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December 19, 2013
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
December 19, 2013
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees:  Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca and Joe Lee.

Members unanimously accepted minutes from the meeting on November 21st, 2013.

Smith Farm also known as Fieldstone Farm

Sheila informed members that she contacted Deb Cary (Princeton Land Trust), as previously discussed, to express the Commission’s support for preserving the Smith Farm property and to offer our assistance.  Sheila read Deb’s response thanking the Commission for our interest.  Deb also indicated that she will keep us in the loop of further developments.

Redemption Rock Road Marker

Joyce explained that she will work with Mickey on composing a letter to the Mass Historic Listserv regarding the newly restored Redemption Rock marker.  A question about Tercentenary markers was posted on the Listserv about a year ago and our experience might be a useful example to others.  Sheila has been in touch with Phyllis about using her Landmark photo of the marker (superimposed over a photo of Redemption Rock) for the purpose of a Certificate of Appreciation and will also ask if the Commission may submit the photo to the Listserv.
Sheila reviewed the Commission’s budget and that of Meetinghouse Cemetery:
Expense Account: $1,475.00
Donations Account: $3,591
Meetinghouse Cemetery Restoration Account: $1,847.00

John Lebeaux has requested notice of capital requests/special town meeting articles as well as expense budget requests.  Members agreed to seek a level-funded budget (of $1500) for FY15.  
Meetinghouse Cemetery
Members discussed seeking a special article for funds for Meetinghouse Cemetery and agreed to seek the same amount as the previous town meeting request.  Alex will confirm the amount requested for Meetinghouse Cemetery last time and send to Sheila so that she may alert John Lebeaux.  At this point John is looking only for the amount requested.  Justification to the BOS and Advisory Board might also be necessary.  
Members also discussed questions that might arise such as our attention to other cemeteries.  It was expressed and members agreed that focusing on one cemetery at a time is best.  Even though the actual repair work is contracted out, there are additional considerations for which the Commission is responsible: bringing in piles of sand and gravel, keeping repair records and overall gravestone inventory, managing the ongoing discovery of fragments and footstones.  Spreading these tasks over multiple sites could lead to problems.  Members also agreed that our focusing on the Town’s oldest cemetery was well-justified due to its National Register listing.
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
December 19, 2013
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Worcester Revolution 1774

The Commission was contacted by Beth Tivnan of the Daughters of the American Revolution which is sponsoring a year-long celebration to raise awareness of the role of Worcester and its surrounding communities in pre-revolutionary acts of resistance.  The DAR is looking for participation from as many area towns as possible.  Members would like to contribute whatever information the Commission can about Princeton’s involvement and Sheila will follow up with Ms. Tivnan.  

Sunset Rock

Joyce has been in contact with Jim Camp about the location of Sunset Rock, which presumably marks the location of Princeton’s first meeting house.  In November, Joyce and Brian Keevnan found what they believe could be Sunset Rock, located at the top of the cemetery’s driveway. Jim believes the rock is located on his property and has offered to show the Commission once the snow melts.  Joyce indicated that a pillow in the Historical Society’s museum room (made as a wedding gift for Ward Nicholas Boylston’s niece) has an image of either the first or second meeting house and might serve as a clue.  The 1790 map of Princeton at the American Antiquarian Society might also shed some light as well as information about the old roads in town.

Next Meeting: Next meeting January 16th, 2014 at 7 PM in the Town Hall Annex.                     

Respectfully submitted, Alex Fiandaca